Course Descriptions
  Biblical Studies (BS)
  Christian Counseling (CC)
  Christian Education (CE)
  Church History (CH)
  Christian Leadership (CL)
  Church Music (CM)
  Capstone (CP)
  Digital Content (DC)
  English (EN)
  Ethics (ET)
  Evangelism (EV)
  Field Practicum (FP)
  General Education (GE)
  Mission (MI)
  New Testament (NT)
  Old Testament (OT)
  Philosophy (PH)
  Preaching (PR)
  Pastoral Theology (PT)
  Research Seminar (RS)
  Theology (TH)

BS 301 Interpretation of the Bible (3)
This course is an introduction to the nature of the Bible, a survey of historical and contemporary hermeneutical approaches; and the principles of grammatical, historical, theological and practical study-application.

BS 801 Biblical Studies (3)
This course is designed to improve one¡¯s ability to interpret the Bible through exegesis. This includes the Old Testament and the New Testament.


CC 201 Introduction to Christian Counseling (3)
This course is a study of the principles and techniques of counseling with attention given to various situations to encourage church members.

CC 501 Survey of Christian Counseling (3)
An introduction is made to the distinctive ministry of Christian counseling. Theories and techniques, which are necessary for pre-counseling and counseling are applied to church staff relationships and to many other areas of interpersonal ministry.

CC 503 Psycho Pathology (3)
This course surveys historical and modern methods of studying abnormal behavior. It includes a study of etiology and methods of diagnosis to treatment and prevention. The student demonstrates understanding of psychopathology by being able to list major classifications of abnormal behavior and describes their etiology, methods of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

CC 505 Counseling and Personality Psychology (3)
This course surveys classical and basic counseling theories and the major theories of personality. The course covers basic information on theories of counseling and personality.

CC 525 Basic Skills in Counseling (3)
The course provides students with the helping process and the use of these basic skills based on cultural, philosophical, and theological perspectives. The purpose of this course is to teach basic counseling skills which means learning how to use dialogic skills within theological worldview.

CC 526 Counselor Professional Identity, Function, and Ethics (3)
Ethical standards of the major professional counseling associations are considered, including AAMFT, ACA, and APA. This course is about professional ethics. It is intended to contribute to the development of a professional attitude and identity for the student who is preparing for a counseling field. This course serves as a capstone course designed to evaluate the student's readiness as a counselor by synthesizing and assessing the cognitive, affective, spiritual, behavioral, and professional development, skills, and knowledge learned by the student from his or her entire counseling program experience.

CC 527 Group Counseling (3)
This course includes a study of group development, processes of interaction and effects of group membership. Students will study group counseling and gain an understanding of the dynamics underlying groups. The students will relate the knowledge gained to various groups in which they participate and work in the community.

CC 530 Human Growth and Development (3)
This course allows the student to learn more about how to understand people in various stages of their life span. Students will study the spiritual, emotional, social, physical, and mental development of persons in the life span.

CC 627 Counseling Practicum (3)**
This course is required for state licensure. This course provides students with Practicum experience to continue to develop counseling skills in working with an individual, couples and families, and group. Students will integrate counseling approaches and techniques learned through coursework into their clinical work.

CC 802 Present Issues in Pastoral Counseling (3)
A study of the methods of pastoral counseling with individuals, couples, families, and groups with guided clinical reading case studies, and in-depth discussions of personality theories and theories of pastoral psychotherapy.


CE 301 Introduction to Christian Education (3)
This course is an introductory study of the historical and philosophical principles of Christian education in accordance with today's church program.

CE 303 Christian Education for Youth (3)
Students are given a practical knowledge of the material and programs to meet the needs of Christian education for the youth/teenagers.

CE 304 Christian Education for Children (3)
A survey is made of Christian education ministries in the local church for children from birth through eleven years old. Characteristics and needs of children are examined.

CE 305 Sunday School Ministry (3)
A study is made of the Sunday school with particular emphasis on its place in the church¡¯s contemporary ministry of Bible study outreach.

CE 407 Introduction to Principles of Teaching (3)
This course is designed to study the educational techniques for dealing with barriers to learning.

CE 408 History of Christian Education (3)
The educational philosophy, principles and practices of the teaching agencies and selected personalities of the Old and New Testament will be studied.

CE 416 Educational Administration and Management (3)
This is an introductory course to the why, what and how of educational administration and management in the light of Christian education.

CE 425 Computer Applications in Education (3)
This course will cover to make web educational contents and multimedia authoring tools. Student will learn what they can do in their operation system and how to make educational web contents. They also will learn HTML5 to develop web pages. Some multimedia authoring tools such as Window Movie Maker and Photoshop will be covered to edit multimedia data.

CE 501 Survey of Christian Education (3)
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to Christian education ministries. Students will consider the evangelical foundation of Christian education ministry with an understanding of theology, philosophy, and history of Christian education; will identify distinctive principles and practices for teaching and developing programs in the local church; and will lead and implement the total discipleship ministry of the local church.

CE 502 Preschool/Childhood Christian Education (3)
This course is an advanced study of the church¡¯s educational program for children, birth to 11 years old. Spiritual, physical, psychological and educational maturation principles will be examined. Aims, methods, materials, evaluation, and programs of ministry to children will be studied.

CE 504 Adolescent Christian Education (3)
This course is an advanced study of the church¡¯s educational program for youth 12-17 years old. Spiritual, physical, psychological, and educational maturation will be examined. Aims, methods, materials, evaluation, and programs of ministry for youth will be studied.

CE 506 Adult Christian Education (3)
The unique characteristics of the stages of young, middle and senior adults will be studied in the context of implications for adult religious programming. Emphasis is given to special categories of adults such as married, single, and widowed. Objectives, methodologies, administration and emotional concerns will be considered.

CE 603 History and Philosophy of Christian Education (3)
This course is a study of the historical development of educational thought and practice in the church with emphasis on the emerging and contemporary educational philosophies.

CE 605 Theology of Christian Education (3)
This course is a study of how to develop a theology of Christian education which can be used in implementing a program of Christian education in the local church.

CE 610 Teaching Methodology (3)
This course is designed to offer detailed examination of methods for teaching from a dynamic biblical viewpoint. The purpose of the course is to study how to teach different age students, including adults, youth, children and preschoolers.

CE 803 Present Issues in Christian Education (3)
This course is a study of some contemporary issues in Christian education, including Biblical, theological, philosophical, historical, sociological, psychological, and curricular issues.


CH 201 Introduction Church History (3)
A general historical survey of the church from its inception through the twentieth century.

CH 506 History of the Christian Church (3)
This course covers the development of Christianity from the first century to the present, including the patristic period, the middle ages, the Protestant Reformation, the rise of denominations and the rise of secularism with the ¡°Enlightenment¡± bringing revivals and missionary expansion.

CH 623 History of Christian Doctrines (3)
A survey will be made of the history of Christian doctrines with an emphasis on understanding contemporary doctrinal problems.


CL 305 Discipleshipe Training (3)
This is a course dealing with what it means to live the discipled life under the Lordship of Christ. Special attention is given to developing a personal devotional life.

CL 312 Spiritual Christian Leadership (3)
This course explores how to formulate objectives, goals, and standards following the examples of spiritual leadership in the Bible. The Biblical foundation of spiritual leadership will be emphasized including social responsibilities of believers. The student will gain experience in recognizing Biblical qualities in the lives of people committed to furthering the coming of the Kingdom of God.

CL 502 Survey of Christian Leadership (3)
An analysis of the tasks, styles and models of leadership, giving special. Emphasis to the biblical guidelines and church context of Christian leadership.

CL 511 Motivation, Teams, Coaching & Mentoring (3)
Explores the psychological contract between leader and follower that takes many forms between two people or between the leader and small groups.. Students study organizational behavior and explore how these concepts affect leadership effectiveness.

CL 512 Foundation of Leadership (3)
Provides a foundational understanding of leadership from the wisdom literature and from contemporary theory. Students examine leadership as a contingent/context-specific application and solve organizational problems that have leader-follower interaction as a cause. Students develop a leadership development plan for themselves and establish accountability measures.

CL 513 Christian Worldviews (3)
This course provides an introduction to worldviews, with a special emphasis on developing a worldview as informed by Scripture. Attention will be paid to some of the ways in which a Christian worldview affects one¡¯s approach to some of the main academic disciplines. Students will be encouraged to develop their own Christian worldview as the basis for both their current academic studies and their future involvement in ministry or the various marketplaces of life.

CL 514 Biblical Leadership (3)
A course to help participants build a theological, theoretical, and practical foundation for becoming effective leaders within an organization. Motivational theory and its application to individual and group productivity is explored. The course will enable the student to evaluate and develop a leadership style.

CL 515 Organizational Development (3)
Provides an understanding of organizational structure and organizational life-cycle development. Students learn the role of the leader as an organizational architect. The course examines the role of the Organizational Development specialist and how leaders intervene in their own organizations.

CL 516 Organizational Researches, Analysis, & Problem Solving (3)
Explores qualitative and quantitative research methods and data analysis that leaders and consultants use in organizations with particular attention to interview and observation. Students will conduct limited amounts of quantitative research and use spreadsheet tools rather than statistical software packages for analysis.

CL 517 Organizational Communication
Examines organizational communication including small group, formal and informal communication, as well as the relationship of communication to organizational satisfaction and effectiveness. Students study how communication defers in leader-member exchange and mass-communication of charismatic leader/large group interaction.

CL 518 Strategic Thinking, Planning, & Organizational Change (3)
This course compares and contrasts strategic thinking with strategic planning and presents the value of both. Students study the leader's role in organizational change?creating and preventing change as well as determining the organization's readiness for change.

CL 519 Leadership, Technology, Job Design, Socio-technical Systems & Innovation (3)
Presents technology as the study of tools and methods and explores how leaders help followers interact with tools and methods to accomplish the organization's objectives. This includes job design, human-computer interaction, understanding how new technology should cause current tools and methods to change. The course also presents the organizational culture challenges that occur when technology begins to run the organization.

CL 519 Leadership, Technology, Job Design, Socio-technical Systems & Innovation (3)
Presents technology as the study of tools and methods and explores how leaders help followers interact with tools and methods to accomplish the organization's objectives. This includes job design, human-computer interaction, understanding how new technology should cause current tools and methods to change. The course also presents the organizational culture challenges that occur when technology begins to run the organization.

CL 521 Human Development (3)
Introduction to adult development and aging. Basic concepts, principles, and issues of development across the adult years.

CL 531 Ministries/Pastoral Leadership Development (3)
This course will challenge the learner with the lifelong necessity to integrate theological theory with the experience of ministry and mission. The course focuses on the role of the pastoral leader around the skills, ethics, and tactics of care for persons, administration of congregations, and communication of the gospel in the multicultural situation.

CL 807 Transformational Christian Leadership
This course focuses on transformation leadership from the biblical perspective. It helps to understand how the lives of people could be committed to be ready for the coming of the Kingdom of God.

CL 812 Study of Global Organization (3)
This course focuses on the structure, functioning, and performance of organizations from the biblical perspective. It covers creativity, innovation, organizational changes within organizations in various cultures.

CL 813 Motivations, Teams, Coaching, and Mentoring (3)
This course covers an analysis of individual and organizational factors affecting employee motivation, performance and satisfaction in the work environment. Topics include the role of leadership, team building, mentoring, goal-setting techniques and group influences.

CL 814 Spiritual Leadership (3)
This course recognizes biblical qualities in the lives of people committed to furthering the coming of the Kingdom of God.


CM 101 Aural Skills (3)
This is a fundamental music study for basic aural, visual, and vocal experience in sight singing ear training.

CM 102 Music Theory I (3)
This is a basic study of fundamental elements of music theory which are related to notation, major and minor scales, intervals, chord formulas, and chord-scales, dealing with components of harmonization and diatonic harmony.

CM 103 Music Theory II (3)
This is a basic study of fundamental elements of music theory which are related to counter-point, fugue, advanced harmony, and musical structures and musical characteristics in chronicles.

CM 104 Applied Area I (2)
Classical-Voice / Piano / Conducting / Composition/InstrumentsCCM-Guitar / Bass Guitar / Percussion / Vocal / Keyboard This is a private lesson course.

CM 105 Applied Area II (2)
Classical-Voice / Piano / Conducting / Composition / Instruments CCM-Guitar / Bass Guitar / Percussion / Vocal / Keyboard This is a private lesson course.

CM 121 Introduction to Church Music (3)
This course in an introduction to the music ministry in the local church. It is designed to help students discover ways in which music may be most effectively used in the worship and ministry of the church.

CM 201 Music History I (3)
The course is a survey of developments in Western Music history from its early beginning to the Renaissance era, including a study of styles, forms, and contributions of major composers.

CM 202 Music History II (3)
This is a study about the history of Western Music 2 which covers from the Late Renaissance to the Baroque. A study of Baroque music focusing on national styles as developed by Monteverdi in Italy, Schutz in Germany, Lully and Rameau in France, and Purcell in England.

CM 203 Music Education (3)
This course is to support the understanding an appropriate concept of music education to create practical methods for music trainings that can be used in both communities and churches, focusing on materials and methods used in leading children, youth, and choirs.

CM 204 Applied Area III (2)
Classical-Voice / Piano / Conducting / Composition / Instruments CCM-Guitar / Bass Guitar / Percussion / Vocal / Keyboard This is a private lesson course.

CM 205 Applied Area IV (2)
Classical-Voice/Piano/Conducting/Composition/InstrumentsCCM-Guitar/Bass uitar/Percussion/Vocal/Keyboard This is a private lesson course.

CM 301 Music History III (3)
This is a study about history of Western Music 3 which covers from the Classical to the Early Romantic Period. Discussing the evolution of opera, Lied, Symphony, Concerto, and Sonata. The course concentrates on music of Haydn, Schubert, Berlioz, and Brahms as pivotal composers and Vienna and Paris as important cultural centers.

CM 302 Music History IV (3)
This is a study about the history of Western Music 4 which covers from the Late Romantic Period to the present. A comprehensive study of major musical trends and composers of the 20th century. Special emphasis is given to the development of Serialism, Neoclassicism, Futurism, and music since World War II.

CM 303 Introduction to Modern Music (3)
This is an overview of styles and trends in the evolution of musical modernism through the study of an intensive examination of theoretical and stylistic aspects of significant works of the 20th century. This course attempts to study and analyze the musical characteristics of Impressionism¡¯s piano music works and styles and the early 20th century music.

CM 304 Applied Area V (2)
Classical-Voice / Piano / Conducting / Composition / Instruments CCM-Guitar / Bass Guitar / Percussion / Vocal / Keyboard This is a private lesson course.

CM 305 Applied Area VI (2)
Classical-Voice / Piano / Conducting / Composition / Instruments CCM-Guitar / Bass Guitar / Percussion / Vocal / Keyboard This is a private lesson course.

CM 311 Introduction to Music Ministry (3)
This course is designed to introduce music ministry by dealing with biblical and pastoral foundation for the process in the area of music in worship such as the characteristics of hymn, the leadership of the congregational singing and choir.

CM 321 Hymnology (3)
This is an introductory course of hymnology by dealing with general hymn writers, hymnals and gospel songs in historical hymnody and the characteristics of hymnic structure in music and text of hymn.

CM 322 Church Music Literature (3)
This course is a chronological survey of the sacred vocal music literatures (masses, cantatas, chorales, anthems, oratorios, requiems, passions, etc.) relating to the church, and of an introduction of the origin as well as development.

CM 323 Church Music Composition (3)
This course is designed to teach the student making vocal music such as solo, duet, trio or four part songs even an anthem to be used in local churches.

CM 324 Fundamentals of Music (3)
Rudiments of music including not identification, rhythm, time signatures, key signatures and the basics of song leading.

CM 401 Survey of Form in Music (3)
This course is a basic study of methods to analyze the elementary structure of musical forms defined by motive, period, phrase, and various skeletons in music.

CM 402 Style Criticisms (3)
This is a basic course of an intensive stylistic, historical and cultural investigation into the music of composers their works emphasizing the analysis of technical, structural and structural and stylistic practices in Baroque into the 20th century.

CM 403 Applied Area VII (2)
Classical-Voice / Piano / Conducting / Composition/ Instruments CCM-Guitar / Bass Guitar / Percussion/ Vocal / Keyboard This is a private lesson course.

CM 404 Applied Area VIII (2)
Classical-Voice / Piano / Conducting / Composition/ Instruments CCM-Guitar / Bass Guitar / Percussion/ Vocal / Keyboard This is a private lesson course.

CM 405 Senior Recital (2)
Classical-Voice / Piano / Conducting / Composition / Instruments CCM-Guitar / Bass Guitar / Percussion / Vocal / Keyboard This is a requirement for the fulfillment of graduation requirements. 15 minutes performance is required.

CM 406 The Survey of Piano Literature (3)
This is a fundamental study of piano literature in chronological order.

CM 407 The Survey of Piano Literature II (3)
This is a fundamental study of piano literature in chronological order as a subsequent course of piano literature I.

CM 409 The Survey of Vocal Literature I (3)
This is an historical survey of vocal literature.

CM 410 The Survey of Vocal Literature II (3)
This is an historical survey as a subsequent course of vocal literature I.

CM 411 Instrumental Conducting (3)
This is a survey of instrumental conducting and rehearsal procedures in musical works such as ensembles and chamber orchestra.

CM 412 Anthem Literature (3)
This is a survey of anthem literature designed to analyze musical materials from ranges, meter, voice texture and even to forming music.

CM 413 Praise and Worship I (3)
This is a survey study of the history of praise and worship movement and how to encourage the congregation to be involved in the presence of God with contemporary music.

CM 414 Praise and Worship II (3)
This is a survey study of the history of praise and worship movement and how to encourage the congregation to be involved in the presence of God with contemporary music.

CM 415 Analysis of Anthem Literature (3)
This course is a basic analysis of music and text in comprehensive anthems.

CM 416 Forms in Piano Music (3)
This course is designed to study the musical structural form to analyze in the various piano literatures.

CM 417 Survey of Instrumental Music Literature I (3)
This is a basic study of comprehensive literature of instrumental music.

CM 418 Survey of Instrumental Music Literature II (3)
This is a basic study of comprehensive literature of instrumental music as a subsequent course of instrumental music literature I.

CM 421 Worship in Music (3)
This course is designed to introduce the student to the biblical and theological principles and foundations of worship in order that they may prepare to be a leader of music in worship for local churches.

CM 422 Choral Arranging (3)
This course is designed to teach students the fundamentals of choral arranging of various vocal combinations.

CM 423 Church Music Administration (3)
This course is an in-depth study encouraging students toward essential elements for leadership techniques in the organization of a local church music ministry, emphasizing on determining, evaluating, planning, and administrating all music programs, budgeting, and maintenance of physical facilities in a local church.

CM 424 Music Ministry (3)
This course is to encourage students toward experiencing essential elements for thoughtful music ministry. It will approach such elements through theological and pastoral considerations for music ministry in local churches.

CM 425 Choral Literature (3)
A survey of functional choral literature, dealing with choir¡¯s music such as contemporary or traditional anthems used in the public worship of local churches.

CM 505 Music History I (3)
This is a master level study from the Middle ages to the early Baroque period. The student will discover the renowned works from the major composers, their compositions, types and specific structures from those eras.

CM 506 Music History II (3)
This is a master level study from the late Baroque to Classical period. The student will discover the renowned works from the major composers, their compositions, types and specific structures from those eras.

CM 507 Music History III (3)
This is a master level study from Romanticism and later. The student will discover the renowned works from the major composers, their compositions, types and specific structures from those eras.

CM 508 The Issues in Music Ministry (3)
This course is designed to discuss the musical issues caused by musical activity in church, encouraging students to experience the essential elements of thoughtful ministry.

CM 509 Introduction to Convergence Therapy (3)
This course provides a historical, theoretical, and clinical basis for defining and understanding music therapy. It is also designed to give a survey of basic principles, methods, techniques, and applications. One will finish this course with an understanding of how music can impact on a range of client groups and change people¡¯s lives for the better.

CM 510 Choral Music Education (3)
This course is a study of choral music education by dealing with music theory, solfeggio reading, and foreign language literature for classical and contemporary repertoires. It includes choral literature researches and organizational exercises for choral ensembles and choirs.

CM 511 Applied Area I (3)
Classical-Piano / Voice / Conducting / Composition / Instruments / Music Coaching / Musical Arts Convergence CCM-Guitar / Bass Guitar / Percussion / Vocal / Keyboard This is a private lesson course. Specially for the Musical Arts Convergence applied area this course will be offered by E-Learning reflected by the contents of Synthesis of Music & Arts I.

CM 512 Applied Area II (3)
Classical-Piano / Voice / Conducting / Composition / Instruments / Music Coaching / Musical Arts Convergence CCM-Guitar / Bass Guitar / Percussion / Vocal / Keyboard This is a private lesson course. Specially for the Musical Arts Convergence applied area this course will be offered by E-Learning reflected by the contents of Synthesis of Music & Arts II.

CM 513 Applied Area III (3)
Classical-Piano / Voice / Conducting / Composition / Instruments / Music Coaching / Musical Arts Convergence / CCM-Guitar / Bass Guitar / Percussion / Vocal / Keyboard This is a private lesson course. Specially for the Musical Arts Convergence applied area this course will be offered by E-Learning reflected by the contents of Synthesis of Music & Arts III.

CM 514 Applied Area IV (3)
Classical-Piano / Voice / Conducting / Composition / Instruments / Music Coaching / Musical Arts Convergence CCM-Guitar / Bass Guitar / Percussion / Vocal / Keyboard This is a private lesson course. Specially for the Musical Arts Convergence applied area this course will be offered by E-Learning reflected by the contents of Synthesis of Music & Arts IV.

CM 518 Graduate Recital (3)
This is a requirement for the fulfillment of graduation requirements. A 30 minute performance is required.

CM 519 Master Lecture Recital (3)
This is a requirement for the fulfillment of graduation requirements for Music Education Emphasis. A 30 minute performance is required.

CM 520 Theory and Practice of Music Education for Children (3)
This course is designed to introduce the historical, philosophical, and psychological foundation of music education, and explore the major music teaching theories and approaches for children.

CM 521 The Literature of Piano Music I (3)
This is a master level study of the literature for solo piano from the early Baroque to the Classical period focusing on musical techniques.

CM 522 The Literature of Piano Music II (3)
This is a master level study of the literature for solo piano from the Romantic era to the contemporary period focusing on musical techniques.

CM 523 The Literature of Solo Vocal Music I (3)
This is an advanced study of various languages in song literature that will develop and improve the knowledge and skills already acquired at the undergraduate level. Through analysis and performance the students will examine and become familiar with compositional aspects and performance practices of solo vocal repertoire beginning in the Baroque Period and progressing chronologically.

CM 524 The Literature of Solo Vocal Music II (3)
This is an in-depth study of various languages in song literature that will develop and improve the knowledge and skills already acquired at the undergraduate level. The students will examine and become familiar with compositional aspects and performance practices of solo vocal repertoire beginning in the Classical, Romantic, and Twentieth Century.

CM 525 Instrumental Conducting (3)
This course is designed for students to explore the instrumental music scores for conducting skills and techniques and to learn rehearsal procedures.

CM 526 Choral Literature (3)
This course is designed to search various choral literatures to analyze musical materials and the structure of music with the text of the choral works.

CM 529 Instrumental Music Literature I (3)
This is a master level study of the literature for solo instrument in the Classical era with emphasis on musical styles.

CM 530 Instrumental Music Literature II (3)
This is a master level study of the literature for solo instrument after the era of Romanticism with emphasis on musical styles.

CM 531 The Study of Praise and Worship I (3)
This is a master level study of practical theories which are to be applied for leading praise and worship teams on how to be influential to the congregation in contemporary worship which the student will analyze and study.

CM 532 Church Hymnology (3)
This course examines the developing process of hymns and an understanding of hymns in biblical, theological, literary, and musical aspects, and of their usage in the various ministries of the church, especially in corporate worship reports of their work.

CM 533 Church Music in Contemporary Culture (3)
Christian worship and music in relation to current contemporary cultural trends, dealing with the expression of the student¡¯s own cultural, generational, artistic viewpoints based on biblical roots of worship and the theological ground for true corporate contemporary worship.

CM 534 Church Music Ministry (3)
This course is to encourage students toward experiencing essential elements for thoughtful music ministry. It will approach such elements through theological and pastoral considerations for music ministry in local churches.

CM 801 Music of the Middle Ages and Early Baroque (4)
This is a doctoral course to be designed for in-depth study from the Middle ages to the early Baroque period. The student will explore with the specific works from the major composers, their compositions, genres and particular structures from those periods.

CM 802 Music from Late Baroque to Classical Period (4)
This is a doctoral course to be designed for in-depth study from the late Baroque to Classical period. The student will explore with the specific works from the major composers, their compositions, genres and particular structures from those periods.

CM 803 Music in Romanticism and later (4)
This is a doctoral course to be designed for in-depth study of music in Romanticism and later. The student will explore with the specific works from the major composers, their compositions, genres and particular structures from those periods.

CM 804 Church Music and Literature (4)
This course is an advanced study of the sacred choral literatures dealing with masses, cantatas, oratorios, requiems and passions from the Baroque to the 20th century.

CM 805 Colloquium of Church Music Philosophy (4)
This course is an in-depth study to understand the philosophical and theological foundations of church music obtained from the Bible and other notable books of the evangelical theologians and historical church musicians of the Christian world.

CM 807 Musical Evolution in Modern Cross-Cultural Society (4)
This study is a cross-cultural perspective in the 21st century¡¯s society. It contains researches findings from a variety of different cultural fields, including evolutionary musical genres and traditional folk music of different nations. The course focuses on key transformations in cultural evolution, social relations, and modern technological development.

CM 808 Orchestral Music in Analysis (4)
This course is an in-depth substitute study for the Doctoral Recital, dealing with analyzing church music works or symphony according to theoretical methods.

CM 811 Doctoral Applied Area I (3)
Voice / Piano / Composition / Conducting / Music Coaching / Instruments This is a doctoral private lesson course.

CM 812 Doctoral Applied Area II (3)
Voice / Piano / Composition / Conducting / Music Coaching / Instruments This is a doctoral private lesson course.

CM 813 Doctoral Applied Area III (3)
Voice / Piano / Composition / Conducting / Music Coaching / Instruments This is a doctoral private lesson course.

CM 814 Doctoral Applied Area IV (3)
Voice / Piano / Composition / Conducting / Music Coaching / Instruments This is a doctoral private lesson course.

CM 820 Doctoral Ensemble Recital (4)
This course is designed to give students an opportunity to acquire ensemble experience in piano, instruments and music coaching at the stage. Students will be a part of variety of ensemble combinations, with the professor acting as coach and coordinator. Repertory is selected to acquaint the student with representative ensemble literature for all periods.

CM 841 Doctoral Seminar of Piano Literature I (4)
This is an in-depth study of the literature for solo piano from the early Baroque to the Classical period with emphasis on musical styles.

CM 842 Doctoral Seminar of Piano Literature II (4)
This is an in-depth study of the literature for solo piano from the Romantic era to contemporary period with emphasis on musical styles.

CM 843 Doctoral Seminar of Solo Vocal Literature I (4)
This is an in-depth study of various languages in song literature that will enhance and refine the knowledge and skills already acquired at the master level. The students will examine and become familiar with compositional aspects and performance practices of solo vocal repertoire beginning in the Baroque Period and Classical period.

CM 844 Doctoral Seminar of Solo Vocal Literature II (4)
This is an in-depth study of various languages in song literature that will enhance and refine the knowledge and skills already acquired at the master level. The students will examine and become familiar with compositional aspects and performance practices of solo vocal repertoire beginning in the Classical, Romantic, and Twentieth Century.

CM 845 Doctoral Seminar of Instrumental Conducting I (4)
This is an in-depth study of the instrumental conducting skills and technique with the full-score analysis.

CM 846 Doctoral Seminar of Choral Literature I (4)
This is an in-depth study of the choral literature that will enrich and cultivate the knowledge and skills already acquired at the master level. The student will examine with compositional aspects of choral music repertoire in the chronological order.

CM 849 Doctoral Seminar of Instrumental Music Literature I (4)
Historical-analytical survey of orchestral literature from the birth of the orchestra to the present day, focusing on history, innovations, developments, the changing roles of orchestral instruments, performance style and techniques, and the compositional philosophies of the composers studied; Origins of Orchestra Music; Baroque period.

CM 853 Pianism I (4)
The course is designed to give developing professional pianist¡¯s greater depth and breadth of knowledge of their repertoire and piano technique than is possible either in the theoretical or practical survey and analysis. Pianism I covers Russian traditions and musical styles (Russia¡¯s Pianistic Development).

CM 854 Pianism II (4)
The course is designed to give developing professional pianist¡¯s greater depth and breadth of knowledge of their repertoire and piano technique than is possible either in the theoretical or practical survey and analysis. Pianism II covers French and German Style of Piano Playing including their aesthetic and styles.

CM 855 Seminar in Italian Diction (4)
The purpose of this course is to help singers sing accurately, idiomatically, and expressively in Italian. The teaching will be based on Italian lyric diction which can be quite different from colloquial speech. Singing with accurate diction helps improve the quality of vocal arts. Both singing and choral conducting majors should take this course.

CM 856 Seminar in German Diction (4)
This course is for singers and choral conductors to improve their capacity to respond with ease, accuracy, and expression in German. German diction will offer principles and practice for the singing of repertoire in German by using International Phonetic Alphabet drills and musical performances.

CM 857 Seminar in French Diction (4)
This is an in-depth study of phonetic sound of the French language to promote the ability to sing in French by utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet. Singing with accurate diction helps improve the quality of vocal arts. Both singing and choral conducting majors should take this course.

CM 858 Seminar in the History of Opera (4)
In this course, we will study in-depth of the operas by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759-1791) who took a great role as a bridge from baroque to romantic period. Students will study the musical and dramatic structures of his operas, and find out the reasons why his operas are considered significant in the history of music. Our goal is not only learning the theory but also applying what we learn in this class to performance.

CM 859 Doctoral Seminar of Instrumental Conducting II (4)
This is an in-depth continuous doctoral study for the instrumental conducting skills and technique with the full-score analysis.

CM 860 Doctoral Seminar of Choral Literature II (4)
This is an in-depth continuous doctoral study for the choral literature, examining rehearsal technique and musical aspects of choral music repertoire in the chronological order.

CM 861 Doctoral Seminar in Church Music and Leadership (4)
This course is to discover the meaning and purpose, characteristic and methods of Christian leadership reveled in the Bible for church music leaders. And it will also pursue to apply those discoveries to church music ministry and life so that the students will be able to be equipped as a Christian leader.

CM 865 Doctoral Seminar of Instrumental Music Literature II (4)
Historical-analytical survey of orchestral literature from the birth of the orchestra to the present day, focusing on history, innovations, developments, the changing roles of orchestral instruments, performance style and techniques, and the compositional philosophies of the composers studied; The Symphony and Orchestral pieces of the Romantic period, continuing through Mahler.

CM 866 Doctoral Seminar of Instrumental Music Literature III (4)
Historical-analytical survey of orchestral literature from the birth of the orchestra to the present day, focusing on history, innovations, developments, the changing roles of orchestral instruments, performance style and techniques, and the compositional philosophies of the composers studied; The Symphony and Orchestral pieces in the 20th century.

CM 867 Doctoral Seminar in Music in Worship (4)
This course is an in-depth study of biblical foundations for music in worship, highlighting the worship theology and nature by approaching and developing to comprehensive music in worship.

CM 868 Doctoral Seminar in Contemporary Christian Worship Music (4)
This is an in-depth study of doctoral course, concentrating on Contemporary Worship Music about worship and praise in details after Jesus Movement in 1960 year. The students will study on the worship nature, the theories on music in worship, CCWM¡¯s terminology and history with practical musical producing for the ministry leadership of CCWM.

CM 878 Doctoral Seminar of Instrumental Music Literature IV (4)
Historical-analytical survey of orchestral literature from the birth of the orchestra to the present day, focusing on history, innovations, developments, the changing roles of orchestral instruments, performance style and techniques, and the compositional philosophies of the composers studied; The Symphony from its beginnings through Beethoven.


CP 490 Capstone
The capstone course is designed as a final semester summative course for students to exhibit how their educational experience may positively influence their career. Details will be described in the Capstone syllabus. The Capstone will have three sections: 1) a research project agreed upon with their academic advisors prior to the final semester 2) a comprehensive examination and 3) participation in the graduation seminars.

CP 650 Capstone
The capstone course is designed as a final semester summative course for students to exhibit how their educational experience may positively influence their career. Details will be described in the Capstone syllabus. The Capstone will have three sections: 1) a research project agreed upon with their academic advisors prior to the final semester 2) a comprehensive examination 3) participation in the graduation seminars.

CP 832 Capstone
The capstone course is designed as a final semester summative course for students to exhibit how their educational experience may positively influence their career. Details will be described in the Capstone syllabus. The Capstone will have three sections: 1) a research project agreed upon with their academic advisors prior to the final semester 2) a comprehensive examination 3) participation in the graduation seminars.


DC 811 Media Teaching Methodologies
The course is suggesting various instructional design methods for education about media use. Also it introduces learning methods that strengthen the learners' communication skills and media-related capabilities and provides media teachers in the field with class guidelines, creating specific teaching plans. In addition, programs and curricula for training new media teachers who will be in charge of the future media education are to be discussed and the classes are to deal with what subjects are related to media education and how the subjects are related to media education teaching methods.

DC 812 Content Design
The original meaning of content was the content, table of contents, or gist of documents, addresses, etc. But as information and communication technologies progressed, the word came to be widely used as a generic term for digital information provided through various wired and wireless communications networks or such contents. Notably, it can be said that in these days, at the beginning of the social media phase, creating various contents through blogs, online forums, podcasts, Wiki, Twitter, etc. can also be referred to as content design. The content design classes deal with how to move Harvard, a social network website, Facebook, a global website, Twitter, which sends ¡°word of mouth¡±type messages to millions of people with the click of a mouse, YouTube, which creates sensations through videos, and podcasts, where you can see and hold anytime, anywhere.

DC 813 Communication Theory
Communication is human interaction among themselves - they convey to each other their intentions, emotions, and thoughts. It is done by means of gestures, facial expressions, sounds, etc. conveyed through vision and hearing, in addition to language and characters. "The conveying of intentions" and "interaction" came to be used as its refined words. But as the new media era progresses, media contents are conveying all these things, even human emotions. The students come to study how to communicate with others through such contents.

DC 814 After Effects
After Effects composes files of general pictures and videos by using a layered system arranged on time lines. Each layer can independently control properties (e.g. position, transparency) and can apply effects. It is also called "the Photoshop of video"; the classes deal with modification and composition of videos in the similar way that Photoshop is used for pictures.

DC 815 Shade 3D
Shade is a program for creating 3D text images. The files made by the program can be composed through Photoshop or video edition. The classes deal with how to use already-made 3D files, to modify the files through a program made, and to create creative 3D pictures.

DC 816 3D Max
With the program, you can create polygon shapes. It is used for architecture simulation or interior simulation. With it, it is possible to create a simulation where you can experience the real world in the virtual world through avatars.

DC 817 3D Printer
Now is the transition period from 2D printer to 3D printer. An era will come when 3D printers can create all things. That era will be a time that needs those who can operate 3D printers, not technicians. The classes deal with various aspects, from the concept of 3D printer to program operation and creation.

DC 818 AI
This is a field of computer engineering and information technology where research on methods of making thinking, learning, and self-development done by computers - such activities that can be done by human intelligence - is performed. AI refers to making computers imitate human beings' intelligent behaviors.
It does not exist by itself, but is widely connected with other fields of computer science directly and indirectly. Notably, in modern times attempts to adopt and use AI elements for solving problems of several fields of information technology are being made very actively. The classes are to deal with the relevant concepts.

DC 819 VR
VR is the abbreviation for virtual reality. The technology creates through graphics, etc. non-real environments that are similar to the real world. Literally, it allows you to experience the fake world. The person who experiences VR comes to feel as if he/she is interacting with the real situation; and as the technology progresses, more realistic fake worlds can be created. By doing so, the classes deal with creation of contents that can realize functions making the user become immersed in the fake world, by reproducing the real world as it is.

ENGLISH (EN)   top

EN 101 English Reading Skills (3)
This course is designed to prepare students to succeed in academic courses delivered in English. Emphasis is placed on reading skills and vocabulary acquisition. Students participate in pre-reading discussions and exercises, speed-reading activities, skimming, scanning, analyzing the main ideas, and understanding inferences.

ETHICS (ET)   top

ET 606 Biblical Ethics (3)
This course is a study of biblical ethics and their relevance to contemporary ethical issues.


EV 201 Introduction to Evangelism (3)
This course studies the church¡¯s primary task of evangelism with a theological emphasis and a focus on the principles of proclamation.

EV 520 Personal Evangelism and Discipleship Training (3)
This course explores the theological base for evangelism and how to use the Scriptures in leading people to Christ. Principles for spiritual growth will explain how new believers can grow to maturity in their faith, and then be able to evangelize and to disciple others.


FP 201 Field Practicum I (1)
This field practicum is required for all undergraduate students. The student, under the supervision of an experienced advisor, will be assigned responsibilities.

FP 202 Field Practicum II (1)
This field practicum is required for all undergraduate students. The student, under the supervision of an experienced advisor, will be assigned responsibilities.

FP 301 Field Practicum III (1)
This field practicum is required for all undergraduate students. The student, under the supervision of an experienced advisor, will be assigned responsibilities.

FP 302 Field Practicum IV (1)
This field practicum is required for all undergraduate students. The student, under the supervision of an experienced advisor, will be assigned responsibilities.

FP 401 Field Practicum V (1)
This field practicum is required for all undergraduate students. The student, under the supervision of an experienced advisor, will be assigned responsibilities.

FP 402 Field Practicum VI (1)
This field practicum is required for all undergraduate students. The student, under the supervision of an experienced advisor, will be assigned responsibilities.


GE 107 Introduction to Philosophy and Ethics (3)
Explores a variety of approaches to philosophical issues such as causality, personal identity, freedom, and determinism. Examines arguments that discuss broad ethical questions, such as how we know what is right; discusses the basic features of deontological and teleological ethics; and applies ethical theory to contemporary issues.

GE 113 Introduction to Computers (3)
This course is a broad introduction to the use of computers as tools for creativity, communications and organizing information. In addition to learning the technical fundamentals of computer use, this course will help build students¡¯ skills in researching information, and will cover the major topic areas of Apple and Window operations.

GE 205 Introduction to Information and Communication (3)
This course introuduces to undergraduates into basic concepts of Inforamtion and communication technologies. Student will learn the Internet concept and have practice to use Internet applications like ftp, www, telnet, e-mail, and webhard. Internet security will also be covered at this course.

GE 215 Principles of Leadership (3)
This course will actively engage students in the acquisition of information about historical and contemporary theories, concepts, and issues associated with leadership.

GE 302 Globalization (3)
This course which designed to incorporate what students have learned from their general education courses and to foster critical and ethical thinking from a Christian perspective as students make the transition from university into a global society. Contemporary global issues will be analyzed and discussed.


MI 205 World Missions(3)
The Christian movement and other major religions are studies and compared from a Christian perspective.

MI 301 Introduction of Christian Missions (3)
This course is an introduction of various mission fields and mission agencies. Emphasis I placed on recent developments to encourage students to further study in areas of special interest.

MI 401 Christian Missions (3)
This course is an introduction of various mission fields and mission agencies. Emphasis I placed on recent developments to encourage students to further study in areas of special interest.

MI 402 World Religions(3)
This course will examine the historical origin and growth of the major world religions, beliefs, practices, and worldviews of the major traditions.

MI 626 Christian Mission and World Religions (3)
The Christian movement and other major religions are studied and compared from a Christian perspective. Is faith in Jesus still the only way to have peace with God? Universalism is threatening this basic Christian teaching.

MI 825 Mission Perspectives (3)
This course is based on Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, a multi-faceted collection of readings focused on the biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic dimensions of the task of world evangelization the history and potential of the world Christian movement.


NT 101 Introduction to New Testament (3)
This course is a survey of the background and content of the New Testament.

NT 202 Life of Christ (3)
This course is a systematic study of the person and work of Christ from eternity past to eternity future.

NT 302 The Gospels (3)
This course is a study of the canonical Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John. It is designed to enable the student to explore a number of different aspects of the Gospels, including their historical and socio-cultural contexts.

NT 303 Acts and Pauline Epistles (3)
This is a survey of the book of Acts and the letters of the Apostle Paul, the development of the early church, and the activities of Christ¡¯s disciples. The Epistles are studied in the light of historical and cultural setting.


NT 305 The Gospel of John (3)
An expository study of John¡¯s practical instruction concerning the Christian¡¯s walk and vital relationship with Christ.

NT 506 Survey of New Testament (3)
This course is a study of the historical and cultural background of the New Testament and a survey of the individual texts of the New Testament.

NT 513 Synoptic Gospels (3)
An emphasis of the theme of each Gospel will be discussed as well as a synoptic, chronological view of the life of Jesus with an interpretation of key events and main discourses.

NT 524 Introductory Greek (3)
This course is designed to enable the student to study the New Testament in its original language. This will help the Scripture become more alive and relevant, and will give the student the ability to translate the New Testament so as to enhance the meaning and message of the Bible and better understand its relevance for us today.

NT 601 Intermediate Greek (3)
A study of the grammar and syntax of the Greek New Testament. Prerequisite: Elementary Greek or a satisfactory score on the examination on Elementary Greek.

NT 602 Pastoral Epistles (3)
This course is an in-depth study in depth, of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, using the Greek text with an emphasis on understanding Paul¡¯s teaching regarding church administration in the early Christian church, his emphasis and teaching on the spiritual needs of the church and his challenge for a godly and disciplined Christian life in the midst of a secular world.

NT 705 Theology of Paul (3)
This course is a study of the teachings of Paul concerning salvation, sanctification, evangelism, and practical Christian living.


OT 102 Introduction to Old Testament (3)
This course is a study of the historical and cultural background of the Old Testament and a survey of the individual books of the Old Testament.

OT 203 Pentateuch (3)
This course is a survey of the first five books of the Bible including creation, Patriarchal Period, Mosaic Law, and early history of Israel.

OT 303 History of Israel (3)
This course is designed to reconstruct the history of ancient Israel in order to better understand the theological significance of the Bible.

OT 305 Historical Books (3)
This course is a survey of the historical books including Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ruth, Esther, Ezra, and Nehemiah.

OT 410 Prophetic Books (3)
This course is a study of the Old Testament Prophetic books (Isaiah through Malachi). Consideration is given to prophetic eschatology and to the use of Old Testament prophecy in the New Testament.

OT 415 Wisdom Literature (3)
This course is a study of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastics with special attention given to literary style, content, and their distinctive place in Old Testament thought.

OT 420 Biblical Hebrew (3)
The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of the Hebrew Scriptures in order to read and translate biblical texts.

OT 502 Introductory Hebrew (3)
This course is designed to enable the student to study the Old Testament in its original language. This will help the Scripture to become more alive and relevant and give the student the ability to translate the Old Testament so as to enhance the meaning and message of the Bible and better understand its relevance for us today.

OT 503 Pentateuch (3)
This course is a systematic study of Genesis through Deuteronomy, with attention given to the structure, purpose, doctrinal electives, and instruction for daily living found in each text.

OT 506 Survey of Old Testament (3)
This course is a study of the historical and cultural background of the Old Testament and a survey of the individual books of the Old Testament.

OT 509 Wisdom Literature (3)
This course is a study of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastics with special attention given to literary style, content, and their distinctive place in Old Testament thought.

OT 601 Prophets (3)
This course is an introduction to the Prophets in the English Old Testament, from Isaiah to Malachi, including an examination of critical, historical, hermeneutical, and theological issues.

OT 611 Intermediate Hebrew (3)
An introduction to Hebrew exegesis, including the basic tools and methods for textual criticism and for lexical and syntactical analysis of the Hebrew text. Prerequisite: Introductory Hebrew or a satisfactory score on the examination on Introductory Hebrew.


PH 101 Philosophy of Religion (3)
Religion as a field of philosophical inquiry and study; major modes of religious expression; chief issues in religious thought and experience.


PR 401 Introduction to Preaching (3)
This course is designed to give the student actual experience in preparing sermons and preaching them. The student will also evaluate the sermons of others.

PR 616 Survey of Biblical Preaching (3)
This course is designed to give the student actual experience in preparing sermons and preaching them. The student will also evaluate the sermons of others.


PT 402 Introduction to Church Administration (3)
This Course is to help students understand and be able to assume the responsibilities related to organization and administration. The pastor as responsible for the management of ministry will be discussed, including recognizing needs, planning, organizing, motivating, evaluating, and revising church programs.

PT 403 Introduction to Worship(3)
This course is a study of the meaning and history of types of worship programs, how to plan an effective worship service, how to adapt to various types of churches, and the responsibility of the pastor and other leaders in planning and leading the worship service of the church.

PT 452 Introduction to Educational Ministry (3)
This course is a study of the basic educational programs for ministry of church, i.e., Bible study, discipleship training, evangelism, missions, and enrichment for support groups.

PT 607 Church Administration and Management (3)
This Course is to help students understand and be able to assume the responsibilities related to organization and administration. The pastor as responsible for the management of ministry will be discussed, including recognizing needs, planning, organizing, motivating, evaluating, and revising church programs.

PT 611 Pastoral Ministry (3)
A theological and practical study of duties of the minister with special electives on the development and responsibilities of the pastor and the personal care of the church people.

PT 625 Christian Ministry Internship I (1.5)
An opportunity to minister under supervision, doing practical ministries learned by experience. The six-credit Christian Ministry Internship requirement may be fulfilled in one-credit increments.

PT 626 Christian Ministry Internship II (1.5)
An opportunity to minister under supervision, doing practical ministries learned by experience. The six-credit Christian Ministry Internship requirement may be fulfilled in one-credit increments.

PT 811 Marketplace Preaching (3)
This course will help the student understand how to bring preaching skills to bear on the needs of contemporary society. The goal of marketplace preaching is to produce lasting change in the lives of the listeners.

PT 834 Church and Worship (3)
This course is a study of the meaning and history of types of worship programs, how to plan an effective worship service, how to adapt to various types of churches, and the responsibility of the pastor and other leaders in planning and leading the worship service of the church.

PT 835 Biblical Administration and Management (3)
This course is a study of the pastor¡¯s responsibilities for the management of ministry by biblical principles adapted to various types of churches.

PT 836 Survey of Cell Groups (3)
This is a course designed to inform the student in one of the most successful church-growth strategies of history. The study will include an examination of the different models of group life, organizational structure, and transition strategies for traditional churches.

PT 837 Church Renewal
The Christian faith of third and fourth generation Christians may become nominal. Ways for pastors to renew the commitment of church members will be studied.

PT 838 Theology of Ministry
An introduction to Christian ministry in contemporary culture. This study nature of the church and its ministry. Topics selected which deal with significant issues related to the theology of ministry in various cross-cultural communities.

PT 840 Biblical Theological Reflection in Ministry (3)
This course assists the students in integrating biblical and theological.


RS 818 Research Seminar-Proposal/Prospectus (3)
An opportunity to work with your mentor in selecting and organizing relevant materials.

RS 890 Dissertation (6)
A minimum of 100 pages is required for dissertations. The title of the dissertation and the subject matter to be covered must be presented to the selected Chairman of the Student¡¯s Dissertation Committee for approval prior to beginning the research project.


TH 201 Bible Doctrines I (3)
A systematic study is made of what the Bible teaches about some of the major realities such as God, man, sin, salvation, the Holy Sprit and Christ.

TH 301 Bible Doctrines II (3)
This course is a continuation on Bible Doctrines I. It includes the study of the Scriptures, man, angels, Satan, the Church, faith, justification, adoption and the Last-Day events.

TH 401 Theology of Spiritual Life (3)
This course is a detailed study of the earthly life of our Lord with particular emphasis on the spiritual significance of each aspect of His ministry.

TH 514 Modern Theology (3)
This course is a study of the ¡°mainstream¡± systems of theology today, along with the more esoteric contemporary systems.? Insight is also given into emerging Third World theologies.

TH 521 Systematic Theology I (3)
This course is a study of the basic biblical doctrines of Christianity, such as God, Christ, The Holy Spirit, man, sin, and salvation and their relevance to the Christian faith today.

TH 523 Systematic Theology II (3)
This course is a continuation of Systematic Theology I.


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Wentzville, MO 63385 U.S.A.
TEL (636)639-9221

© Global Gateway University. staff.  gguusa7@gmail.com